incoln Bergman
Copyright © Lincoln Bergman 2011 Design © fidlweb
The Story of Itiba
Autumn Leaves Family Play
Working on short science plays whetted my dramatic appetite, so I endeavored to write a longer play about my family, about growing up with activist Communist parents in the midst of anti-Communist hysteria, about the stresses and strains of those times, and about the tragic impact on our family of my mother’s death from cancer at the age of 47. The play is entitled “The Autumn Leaves,” and I also call it “The Family Play.” It has never been subjected to the round of readings and collective criticism that is central to dramatic creation and production—there are many places that need revision and improvement, and several gaps that are briefly described in the draft text. However—one of the things a website can be for is to get work out into the world, even if not in final form. If anyone out there sees real potential in this play, or has ideas for people who might be interested in developing it further please contact me (lbergman@berkeley.edu). The play is copyright by myself, Lincoln Bergman. Here is “The Autumn Leaves.”
While not primarily a playwright, I did a little acting in college, and I was fortunate to be part of the Science Discovery Theatre at Lawrence Hall of Science, where we wrote a number of short plays for children that were very successful. During the Quincentennial, the 500th anniversary of Columbus’ voyage in 1492, we also wrote, to accompany a major museum exhibit, a play entitled “The Story of Itiba” about a young girl on a Caribbean island just before and after the European invasion. While geared for young audiences, the play did not shy away from genocidal realities. Permission for quotation, use, or performance must go through appropriate Lawrence Hall of Science/UC Berkeley permission procedures. Please contact me (lbergman@berkeley.edu) for any questions about this and to begin the permission process. Here is “The Story of Itiba.”